Monday, August 1, 2011

Clash of the Generations

Have you ever been taunted, made to feel intimidated, faced condescension? These are some inevitable factoids that a teen has to face after he hits puberty till he (and let me quote) is "successful" and does he really understand what significance does that word holds for him at this age because we all know success holds different meanings to different people and the freedom of choice that is the sheer soul of teenage, is hereby murdered.

Here I am not at all trying to be pejorative about, to accuse or criticize anybody's way of upbringing because (as I always say) is entitled to their opinions, all I am trying to do is to provide with an unconventional train of thought that might just make things smoother to bridge the so called generation gap, that is undoubtedly present and is seen as a hurdle by the exuberant teenage spirit.

All of our parents and the elderly have sifted through this phase, then the question pops up (in teen lingo) -"What's all the fuss about man? " . The answer may be lying in the interrogative part itself, they have been through it and so they clearly know what kind of evil may be secretly lurking when we choose a certain path for ourselves but as the times have changed , so the conventional methods of making them understand also demands a considerable improvement.

Parents must try understanding that the naïve mind of their credulous child is already going through a lot and provoking them contemptuously would only add to the state of agitation they are already in. You will have to let them run their course and find the right path by not providing them with assistance always, where “you” think it is necessary.

The never ending conflict between the ideas of parents and their wards can totally be eradicated with a little mutual acceptance and understanding and it goes equally for both the sides-“If you cannot beat them, then better join hands with them”.

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