this is not an attempt on belittling, though if going through this ,makes you
feel even a tinge of disparagement then I would feel like the purpose of
writing this post has been served.
So, where do I even begin with? Me obviously, as before pointing a finger at any individual you have to deal with the other three directing towards you. Yes, I am a stern follower of hypocrisy, but in my defense, evolution demands it, now in a world with so much to binge on you cannot expect to be all milk and no water, behavioral adulteration has now transformed into a cult these days (didn’t get it? I was expecting you won’t, take the hint). The point being it falls under the circumference of the conventional ‘wrong’ but is acceptable to an extent. Personally, I think everything that does not fall under the realms of mortal sin is more or less acceptable. So, that is how I justify my social anomalies through my philosophical bends, what is your excuse? (I know you don’t have any, caught you with your pants down, didn’t I?). So, now with your permission I would like to take a derisive detour and stick the boot right in.
Now, I know many of you practice and participate in certain things just to get the approval of a certain group of individuals in the society, most of them to be precise ( ‘participate’ being just a general form of the verb here which might range anything from a ‘do’ to the vigorous forms of ‘ass kissing’). Well apparently those have been typecast-ed by you as outcasts and social pariahs save themselves the trouble but in contrary to my tone I very much appreciate the amount of work you guys put in to get accepted by your peers which axiomatically turns you into a piece of work. (you see, I turned it around) and the phenomenon is omnipresent and undeniable in any field or sector of life you search in.
So, while we are on the subject, I wanted to point out some of my favorite categories and throw a handful of reproach at them. I know I might be slammed later for the classification but what the hell :D
• The Aesthetically Deprived – Now , there is nothing wrong with the way you look buddy and experimenting with asinine colors is only making you look like a cross between Willy Wonka and an androgynous Lady Gaga. Be the way you are, get comfortable with your attire and if even then anyone judges you , then he/she is the sheriff of Shmucksville and can go suck skunk-piss.
•The Pseudo-Intellectuals – Now, let me make this thing as clear as a bell, out of all these cries for attention, yours is the most desperate. Trust me ,you yourself aren’t aware of the point you are trying to make. I know you don’t have anything in your lives to look forward to but you have to understand, you can only flaunt it if you have got it and when you don’t the repercussions are so humiliating to be even discussed, my heart just fills with pity when I see you guys trying so hard.
• The ‘Kewl Krawd’ – This group is the most diversified of all and is divided into so many sub-groups that they cannot be defined even with the help of abstract algebra.
First of all you need stop using that ‘SMS lingo’ of yours everywhere, using a ‘u’ in ‘coming’ makes it way too inappropriate, not ‘kewl’.
Stop treating social media as your personal diary or hourly scrapbook, So much narcissism is unacceptable, changing the color of your glasses wouldn’t change the face the almighty has bestowed you , deal with it.
• The Bullies – You fucktards need to get your shit straight, your insecurities are eating you away and you are just one step away from becoming violent sociopaths (O wait, too late!). Find a more suitable way to vent the frustration of having an inadequate wiener or erectile dysfunction.
• The Snooty Boy/Girl –These are the people who have been blessed with an above average knowledge(self-proclaimed expertise) in their respective fields.Now I know you guys know your shit way well but that doesn’t give you the prerogative to dance over my ass, try this very strange medicine called ‘humbleness’, wouldn’t hurt much(your egos to be precise). Just remember my poop smells and so does yours, try taking a sniff the next time you are having difficulty in comprehending the concept of equality.
I could actually go on to never stop but that wouldn’t stop you guys from being the colossal ass-hats you currently are and without your presence I might stop feeling better about myself. So, Adios muchachos and keep rocking. ;)
So, where do I even begin with? Me obviously, as before pointing a finger at any individual you have to deal with the other three directing towards you. Yes, I am a stern follower of hypocrisy, but in my defense, evolution demands it, now in a world with so much to binge on you cannot expect to be all milk and no water, behavioral adulteration has now transformed into a cult these days (didn’t get it? I was expecting you won’t, take the hint). The point being it falls under the circumference of the conventional ‘wrong’ but is acceptable to an extent. Personally, I think everything that does not fall under the realms of mortal sin is more or less acceptable. So, that is how I justify my social anomalies through my philosophical bends, what is your excuse? (I know you don’t have any, caught you with your pants down, didn’t I?). So, now with your permission I would like to take a derisive detour and stick the boot right in.
Now, I know many of you practice and participate in certain things just to get the approval of a certain group of individuals in the society, most of them to be precise ( ‘participate’ being just a general form of the verb here which might range anything from a ‘do’ to the vigorous forms of ‘ass kissing’). Well apparently those have been typecast-ed by you as outcasts and social pariahs save themselves the trouble but in contrary to my tone I very much appreciate the amount of work you guys put in to get accepted by your peers which axiomatically turns you into a piece of work. (you see, I turned it around) and the phenomenon is omnipresent and undeniable in any field or sector of life you search in.
So, while we are on the subject, I wanted to point out some of my favorite categories and throw a handful of reproach at them. I know I might be slammed later for the classification but what the hell :D
• The Aesthetically Deprived – Now , there is nothing wrong with the way you look buddy and experimenting with asinine colors is only making you look like a cross between Willy Wonka and an androgynous Lady Gaga. Be the way you are, get comfortable with your attire and if even then anyone judges you , then he/she is the sheriff of Shmucksville and can go suck skunk-piss.
•The Pseudo-Intellectuals – Now, let me make this thing as clear as a bell, out of all these cries for attention, yours is the most desperate. Trust me ,you yourself aren’t aware of the point you are trying to make. I know you don’t have anything in your lives to look forward to but you have to understand, you can only flaunt it if you have got it and when you don’t the repercussions are so humiliating to be even discussed, my heart just fills with pity when I see you guys trying so hard.
• The ‘Kewl Krawd’ – This group is the most diversified of all and is divided into so many sub-groups that they cannot be defined even with the help of abstract algebra.
First of all you need stop using that ‘SMS lingo’ of yours everywhere, using a ‘u’ in ‘coming’ makes it way too inappropriate, not ‘kewl’.
Stop treating social media as your personal diary or hourly scrapbook, So much narcissism is unacceptable, changing the color of your glasses wouldn’t change the face the almighty has bestowed you , deal with it.
• The Bullies – You fucktards need to get your shit straight, your insecurities are eating you away and you are just one step away from becoming violent sociopaths (O wait, too late!). Find a more suitable way to vent the frustration of having an inadequate wiener or erectile dysfunction.
• The Snooty Boy/Girl –These are the people who have been blessed with an above average knowledge(self-proclaimed expertise) in their respective fields.Now I know you guys know your shit way well but that doesn’t give you the prerogative to dance over my ass, try this very strange medicine called ‘humbleness’, wouldn’t hurt much(your egos to be precise). Just remember my poop smells and so does yours, try taking a sniff the next time you are having difficulty in comprehending the concept of equality.
I could actually go on to never stop but that wouldn’t stop you guys from being the colossal ass-hats you currently are and without your presence I might stop feeling better about myself. So, Adios muchachos and keep rocking. ;)

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