Now usually I don’t do blogs over girls as far gone are my pubescent days where I used to write lame gooey poetry for adolescent girls and post-adolescent females which I cannot mention here(for obvious reasons) but this one, she is something different, I know what just popped up into your Stephanie Meyer infested brains, please hold your horses,(and if I tell you that I am being coerced to write this one, I would rather be bludgeoned, that too with a chowkidaar’s danda), So this one is for Yashi, no we don’t share a romantic interest in each other( the very thought of it makes me feel nauseated), so here we go,
Now we have been friends for a year and a half maybe, now I actually don’t remember the exact time and she would not be whining about this, that is why she is one of the coolest chicks I have ever met.
Yes! we barely hang out together, have never attended any of her parties (now when I have mentioned it, you need to get me to those parties with buffoon headed M.B.A chics you were telling me about, evil laugh mwahahahaha) but you have always been there for me from the time I have known you, the whole freaking time!! you just won’t leave me alone till I take up drinking and pass out of sheer bliss again, she was the one to make me realize that it doesn’t matter much which friend is there in the fun times but it certainly does starts to matter whose is there when you are having a hard time and she adhered to me like a freakin fungus to an algae in lichens :P
Now, she may bedazzle you with a lot of things and be all happy-go-lucky the whole time but then don’t get yourselves deluded with the fact that you are in her trustworthy list, Please splash your face with a little water and get rid of your delusion. She cares about a handful of people who I believe have earned that place in her life (well then, there are always exceptions and we all make mistakes, let’s move on). Her superficial display of broad and extensive philosophical bends should not be misconstrued for something explicit or unethical but most of the times she is clear with what she wants from the other person, that is one of her best qualities.
Now, I know I may piss you off at certain moments but then I never deliberately intend to do that, you must always keep in mind that I have always expected and found you in times of need, times I felt inconsolable and vulnerable, and I would always be there by your side, be it your chowkidaar problem or of any other sort (the kinds which I warn you about and spend hours trying to make you understand to stay light years away from it but then you ultimately end up falling into that particular one, pheww good grief!). I only have a few ground beliefs in my life and one of them is that no matter what happens, when either of us is facing an overcast weather in life, the other one would be there with an umbrella. Now I can go on yammering about this person but then even I have limits and can only keep lying to a certain extent (JK)
Now I don't want things to change between us but then change is something we don’t have a control over and is by all means inevitable, all we can do is to hope when it happens, it brings in good thingies and betterment in the relation we share!! Till death do us part ;) ;)
Love you dude!!!! <3
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