Friday, November 4, 2011


Does your perception matter??
What is our driving force??? What is that thing that gives us the reason to keep moving on after a significant period even after we fail quite a couple of times? For some of us it is motivation, for some zest, love, loyalty, urge for power, revenge to name a few. this is how the world usually works i.e. on driving forces but there comes a time in our lives when a certain factor causes us to snap out of the primitive programming we were running on and provides us with a realization we most certainly need an up gradation, that's my definition of the word aberration, which is mostly associated with people’s moral lapse, yea the word can be construed either ways depending upon people's philosophical bends, many desire to achieve that state to escape the rut-routine they are in but isn’t it the obvious absconding technique.

Now, who are we to  judge the concepts of right or wrong, the only thing quite factual is that our conventional belief is based on the knowledge which we bequeathed from our ancestors(Megamind would have been saving the world if he were not to crash in a place for  the “Criminally Gifted” ) and it is also very plausible that if we keep iterating a lie for a considerable amount of time, then at a certain point a time will come that it would become an inseparable part of us and we may further start believing and also living it  and when passed on the next generation, it would have been so deep-rooted and prominent that it would be received as “truth”.
Just a matter of perceptions and opinions and about how strongly we believe in them. Galileo was condemned by the Catholic Church for "vehement suspicion of heresy" and the same church in 1939 described Galileo as being among the "most audacious heroes of research... not afraid of the stumbling blocks and the risks on the way, nor fearful of the funereal monuments”,  and apparently our Earth did turn out to be heliocentric.

“Right” is nothing but a matter of mass opinion. Most of the people would without even questioning the validity believe in what is fed to them if that fact is backed by a significant number. When we talk about pure numbers, many argue about the credentials of classification.

Yes, maybe my angle is hypothetical but then so is God, still we tend to believe. You are on the receiving end, to some it would be blasphemy, to a few intriguing.

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