"I don't know if I should call it a pleasant evening but the weather was
undoubtedly fine, I was strolling down the edge of the road humming one
of those irritating songs that get stuck in your head and you hate
yourself for it. So,while I was having this very irrelevant conflict
with myself I did happen to pass by a garlanded metallic torso with a
small metal bucket on its side, half filled with which was presumably
the cheapest of vegetable oils one could find in the market, what caught
my attention was not the statue but the amount of currency coins people
were dropping in the bucket in addition to bowing their heads to black
deity which was the sole of center of attraction on the street. Along
came a boy, barely verging on adolescence with his rotund of a dog,
golden haired dog, the one with the saddest of eyes that would make you
want to pet him and get your face licked. So while the boy got busy with
his smartphone, the pooch lifted one of its legs to start a stream that
washed it all of it away, the culture we like to talk about so much,
the things we perceive and worship as the truth, truth that is not naked
as it is supposed to be and that was the sole reason that the poor
little beast has those scars today, scars he got for following his
natural instinct because some blithering idiot on the road can define
'wrong' for it,offended by a dog who literally gave no fucks to the god
below his crotch."