On one hand our philosophies boast of certain moralities that even Oxygen would seem less important but most of us don’t literally give a fuck about morals and stamp upon it without deliberation to possess and follow our desires , then why this façade of ethics and decency when we all worship debauchery , why this improvisation, a constant obligation of projecting oneself as decent, lying to oneself , to each other on every damned day of your life. Isn’t your whole life composed of a bunch of lies, imagine if people started to show what they actually are and what apparently are they made of , the world will then see the chaos it deserves. Why don’t we just gift ourselves with a holocaust that our pathetic species is craving for , we have designed and engineered devices that make us unhappy , emotions that are disposable, and no love, how much hope do you think we have with such a perilous amalgamation, hope this world ends soon enough.