Thursday, August 15, 2013

Of Queues

You know what’s annoying? Standing in a queue, it brings so much sadness to your thoughts. A queue is something that usually makes you aware of what your worth might be; the more your worth to the world, lesser the queues you would have to stand in, but when you’re apparently in a queue it would treat you the same as every other individual who is a part of it, queues do not discriminate as people do. In a hate inflicted world which cannot catch a breath, a queue would be an involuntary pause which lets you think about so many disparate aspects of life which have been deliberately neglected and the possibilities they hold. I’m a strong believer of fatalism, what I want to imply that death is inevitable and very much real and our present social construct does not actually prepare us well to deal with or rather knowing the life we have been bestowed with, it keeps us busy and before we realize that we actually have a life to live, most of it is blown away in a puff of smoke.
Supposedly, I am in a queue, the purpose is to obtain a worthless piece of paper which I know is marginally going to make life easier, would gain me nothing on a personal level but, here I am sweating in the scorching sun, famished, succumbing to the traditions and hollow manners of the world, wasting time which could have been invested in something productive and of actual value (at least to me).

I am guessing that queues mustn’t have been invented, they would have just come into existence, I mean who would want to invent something like a queue when impatience is one of our basic and primordial personality traits. I cannot imagine a man voluntarily giving his place to another and waiting in his stead. We are not creatures of order, it has to be imposed on us, thus queues are nothing but impositions, yes they do bulldoze order in situation of barbaric unevenness yet, no matter how many facades it is put under but without it we would wipe our existence out from the face of the earth. The sole purpose was of this post is to bring out that queues aren’t really that uninteresting, there’s lot more to it than its existence as a formation, it displays vivid colors of human emotions in a single collective ; displeasure, hope, anger, succor and maybe a little bit of romance. So, next time you’re in a queue just try and embrace its intriguing projections lest whining.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Weathered Colours of Companionship

Peeking out of the stained glass window, gazing at the rain drenched grounds in hopes of being one with the wet grass and just then the bell rings, like some divine intervention saving you from the listlessness of some numbers being scrolled across the board but a sudden realization of disparity present between reality and fantasy comes creeping in, slowly turning that enthusiasm into mild reluctance and then, out of nowhere comes a gentle push and you find yourself wrestling with gravity in a freshly created pool of rainwater with your chums, with each of them donning that smirk of satisfaction mixed with realization of the consequences that were to follow which would fairly resemble the ones bored for that blatantly whimsical episode with silver nitrate in the chemistry lab but the smiles eventually withered as moments became memories and were never relived as ‘growing up’ happened.

The heart became cold and uninviting as the years passed by and started to loathe company as the world only reflected its own demeanor and was imminently lost in the abyss of desolation.

The bounds of misanthropy have been slowly entangling our lives as a constrictor since then, wrapping its cold skin around it prey and slowly squeezing the life out of it, but then who’s to judge, sometimes death is a blessing in disguise, there is a reason why it is called the end of all sufferings. It is astoundingly wonderful to see how philosophies can bring drastic changes in a man’s life, we all are working to please our brains and well what could be better than getting it drunk on them, I think the key to happiness lies in the power of convincing your mind( after you’ve taken care of your belly of course). Misanthropy, a condition of being asocial, conventionally thought as being an anomaly because we have defined ourselves as social animals and most of us cannot summon the power to break out of that shell and we never will.

We all have friends those we hate, love is a very strong word it has to be used very carefully in these harder times, the implication being that the expression of hatred requires so much less effort that its accepted antonym, what’s arduous is to open your heart and let it pour as from a jeroboam of effervescent wine. Our social lives but revolve around the ardor for superficial intimacies and false displays of joviality and we work industriously to keep that boat of illusion afloat. “I’m madly in love with my baby” is usually bestowed upon shiny automobiles and gaming consoles, I rarely see anyone claiming that kind of love for their fellow beings, maybe a few dogs. I don’t know who or what is to blame or if it is the kind of human evolution we wanted for ourselves where even hangouts are virtual.
I guess we are reasoning too much, too much of pragmatism has blocked the artery of jovial flow and the heart suffers from bliss-depravity. I guess we have to reason with ourselves and question ourselves that what pragmatism explains bearing so much of loss to gain such little.