Thursday, June 14, 2012

Lucid Much ?

Every time I let words out of my mouth, all I crave for is lucidity. Like why cannot I reach the pinnacle of articulation, maybe lucidity isn’t something that I am concerned about (Not!). You cannot just think that you are capable of dispensing unprecedented wisdom whenever you wish to(capability being a misnomer here, you know when I told you about my incapability of bringing out clarity in my thoughts but believe me they are the metaphorical equivalent of the uncut diamonds I must say, narcissistic much? Cannot actually help it).

Let me just give you an example of a highly approved and consensually accepted piece of uncertain knowledge (no, we won’t be discussing Modern art :/ ). It’s the Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, now that is a man of clarity and transparent thoughts. As we know most of our Quantum Mechanics is based on hypothetical theories and convincing people to recognize and accept your piece of super-intellectual theory is one tough cookie to break. But the man did it and what he apparently proved was an uncertainty, now don’t just consider the theoretical aspect (I know many of you pedantic asses would without giving a thought jump to that, hold your horses) but what it symbolizes, conjunction of two contradictory words to form an oxymoron (proved uncertainty) which completely changed man’s understanding of the complete working universe and that is where the line of lucidity becomes dull (which has always been thin).

I see lucidity as an answer to the questions and conflicting confabulations that incessantly go on and on in my acorn-sized mind. The very first purpose is that the thirst should be quenched, only after that I could think of observing the reflections: after the ripples have settled down. Most of the times you would find answers that might render your very questions (even purpose of existence) obsolete or redundant.