Monday, February 20, 2012

Of God and My Rantings!

What is the whole world and its conventions about? Where are they leading us to? A substantial labyrinth which just keeps on entangling as you grow in time but the question here is, “Is just growing in time enough to justify the life  you spent?”. How do you get to know if your purpose is served or not? “God knows everything,God is omniscient.”, then why don’t  we get to know? Is our existence so plebeian and worthless that we are not even entitled to learn about our own lives? The list would go on and I would still be standing blank here without even a tinge of white over my pitch-black mind.

God to me is the person who controls everything  and still manages to keep it subtle,heights of elusiveness is ’him’ but then why are you under  the hood? Why don’t you just tear out the benign sky and liberate your thunderous rage on the iniquitous? I pacify myself by thinking that maybe  ignorance is actually bliss and he is working in his own mysterious ways. “Ah mortality, you make us believe I a  fruitful grope in these dark ages.”  That is the most fascinating thing about us humans despite of knowing and having a full understanding of things we manage to let ourselves fall into delusion and be contented with our act of escapism.

But God did not design conventions,humans did. We are the ones who have caused the division of society into sects in “his” name. What if the whole world was just one religion or none at all, just envisaging such a world  gets my motor  running, (snapping out!) not feasible right?. If religions about spirituality  and moral conduct then why do the supremos  of religious handling lay so much emphasis  on worldly traits and materialism. If I follow a life of strict moral conduct and lead a life of  stability, then no one should get to decide the definition of blasphemy for me. If I follow my God and his word  then shouldn’t I be entitled to make my life decisions without any kind of interference, be it the choice of my partner or my attire. No one in the world should have he authority of deciding what is right for me and ‘right’ in our world is just a matter of consensus , what we are most comfortable  believing in. We are so engrossed n our self-created bubble that it would be very much dolorous to break out of it. Maybe it is just the right time to come out of delusions and a explore an entirely different dimension of spirituality and then actually see it develop into  a ‘better  tomorrow’.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Strangers in the Night

She thought him to be one of the many lower beings, for him she was just another social experiment, amongst many others in a world of facades.
Then the misconstrued beckoning, the sparks flew and it blazed,
brimming up with effusion that couldn’t be withheld, identical glints and smiles.

Capriciousness has its own perks, lets you experience the sweetest of pangs
turns you delusive, ginormous clanging blades seem as ringing church bells.
Sliding away as the first drop of morning dew on the bracken and into the creek,
not ever to be seen or felt, that indelible sense of dalliance lost in the enormity of the world,

Quelled was he and yet donning that smirk, his eyes gleaming with an unrelenting pursuit,
but adamantly defending her stance she swayed, the clichéd temptress in action.
Resplendent yet warm,like the winter sun you feel it quenching a life-long hanker,
wait through the bone cracking chill that night seemed, much like walking through the spring breeze.

Communing joyride that lasted a brevity,disembarking seemed the most arduous,
but mandatory is by convention for the flings to end,yet imprinted as commemorative this was.
No matter how unachievable they might seem, but chimeras are there for a reason of course,
a moment of sheer bliss, is might even worthy to pawn your soul for.

Friday, February 3, 2012

If Only, But it Isn't

‘If’ I were a werewolf, I would have totally eviscerated each of the ‘already dead’ body parts out of Edward Cullen (no, he is not a fucking fairy, period!) with my fangs and end this tale forever ‘but’, unfortunately I’m not a werewolf neither am I Stephanie Meyer (I would have been benign enough to spare the world otherwise). What ‘if’ I could fly and could move at the speeds of lightning, don a gaudy facade, and destroy buildings with my laser-beamy eyes (Yea, I am the anti-hero kind, suck on that JLA) ‘but’ there is no chance in a billion that fantasy could be materialized.
‘If’ and ‘but’ are the two enchantments that act as a bridge between dreams and hope where ’if’ is an open doorway to the magical lands of escapism and ‘but’ acts as the dead- end- cliff  which lands you back into the world of reality. Each of us are entitled to have dreams and it’s so pleasant and heart-warming  to watch yourself taking the wand of command and whipping the ass of reality juxtapose causing a significant amount of  annoyance with your snores. The beauty of these two words very much self-evident by how they guide our travels to the clock-cuckoo-land. It is like the time when you are suffering from a mighty of an impact that has your soul shaken, that is where ‘ if’ comes into play and acts as a cool soothing breeze that someone would wish for amidst the scorching summer sun, like  the first gleam of the warm winter sun after the dark cold night. Then comes along ‘but’, putting an end to all the fantasies and pulling down all castles you built mid-air but then someone/something has to do it, very much mandatory. Yes, you fell, maybe even scraped your knee a little, you cannot just lie there thinking and cursing your decision of jumping over the hurdle rather than going besides it ‘but’ you need to dust yourself off and move on with your life( you know what I am trying to point out with all this lame metaphorical shit).

Both are essential and somehow complete each other in the run, wouldn’t life be dull without them, how many ‘if only’ moments pass throughout the day (you may also include your masturbatory fantasies) and simultaneously crushed by ‘but’ in a cruel fashion for good but there are certain ‘if’s that escape the wrath of ‘but’ and evolve into a reality of magnificence and people certainly do end up “living their dream”.